• Biography:

    Yunusov Mahmudkhan Asatullaevich was born on March 20, 1983 in Dostlik District, Jizzakh Region. In 2005, he received a bachelor's degree, and in 2008, he received a master's degree from the Faculty of History of SamSU. He started his career as a history teacher at the Samarkand College of Tourism, worked as the head of the department of social and humanitarian sciences, the head of the tourism and service department, and the deputy director of this college for ideological and educational affairs. From 2014, he first worked as a senior researcher at the fund of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve. Since 2015, he has been working as the chief curator of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve.
  • Tasks:

    The chief conservator of the museum directs the registration, storage, protection and repair of the museum treasures directly or through the department heads, is responsible for the implementation of the work of entering the treasure rooms, observing the rules of the law in the use of the museum treasures, based on the requirements of the law. ; When appointing or dismissing the Chief Custodian, a document is drawn up that reflects the integrity and preservation of the museum's assets, the state of registration and storage works, the temperature, humidity, lighting conditions in the museum rooms, and the condition of the equipment; During the period when the chief curator is absent from work due to illness or other reasons, his duties are assigned to another employee based on the order of the director of the museum; All documents, correspondence, reports and plans related to the transfer of the museum fund assets from one place to another are given to the chief curator for perusal: He confirms with his signature that he has read these documents; The chief conservator is responsible for the preservation of museum objects in funds and expositions. All instructions of the chief curator regarding registration, storage, and repair work must be carried out by the museum staff; Registration. the hiring, dismissal or transfer to other duties of employees engaged in maintenance and repair work, museum guards and hall supervisors is carried out in agreement with the chief curator; Organizes scientific-research and scientific-methodical work on accounting and storage of funds; In his work, he: a) correctly registers museum assets in accordance with the Law "On Museums of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and related documents; b) to organize the storage of museum treasures to protect them from destruction and theft;
