• Job title:


  • Time of receipt:

    Monday-Friday (from 08:30 dan 17:30)

  • Phone:

    +998 (91) 555 18 30

  • E-mail:

  • Biography:

  • Tasks:

    General management of the scientific, scientific-organizational, economic and financial activities of the museum-reserve; Management of the museum-reserve is carried out on the basis of the Regulation on the organization; Selects highly qualified personnel, assigns them to responsible tasks in the museum-reserve system, ensures the full formation of personnel skills; Controls the allocation of loans and the use of funds based on the approved estimate through the museum board; Conducts credit operations with all organizations and enterprises on behalf of the museum-reserve, coordinates the opening and closing of account numbers and other accounts at the location of the museum-reserve, ensures control of financial affairs; Can be a customer and supervisor of all conservation and restoration works in ancient monuments; Leads the wide promotion of art and cultural resources in foreign countries and in the territory of the Republic and region, approves daily and perspective plans and reports of the museum; Responsible for the conceptual structure of museum expositions; Organizes the storage of museum funds and valuables; Together with public organizations, he is responsible for the educational growth of museum employees, increasing marketing skills, and the growth of educational work in the community; Monitors compliance by employees with the rules of the internal procedure; Chairman of the Museum Council and Scientific Council; The museum organizes the scientific popularization of art and cultural resources, organizes the identification of ideological and political paths; Establishes administration and economic management, is responsible for material and moral stimulation; He is appointed and dismissed by the higher organizations of the museum-reserve;
